FIRST Registration
All students must register on the FIRST website in order to be a part of NRG.
Have a parent/guardian complete the following steps:
Visit and click “Register” in the upper-right-hand corner
Create an account with your name, date of birth, and email address (your PARENT must complete this step with THEIR info)
Once you are logged into your account dashboard, click the “Parent/Guardian – Youth” tab (note: this tab is represented by a child icon on mobile devices - see below)
Click the blue “Add a Youth” button
Enter your youth’s profile information and click the blue “Next” button
Enter your youth’s school information and click the blue “Next” button
Type in your name in the field at bottom of the form
Click the blue “Accept & Submit” button at the bottom of the Consent and Release Form
Select First Robotics Competition and enter team 948 on the Apply to Team page
The Youth tab on mobile devices